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Dear Parents,


We are excited to announce the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the FFH, a crucial event for our school community, to be held on 18th September 2024. The evening will commence at 3.50 p.m. 


The FFH, a cornerstone of our school community, invites all current Highfields parents to the FFH AGM. This is an invaluable opportunity for you to witness how the funds you have helped to raise for the betterment of our children and students have been utilised.


The AGM is also an opportunity for you to elect the PTA Committee, representing the association throughout the forthcoming year. Anyone wishing to stand as an officer or ordinary committee member for the first time should submit their nominations before the AGM using the form below. Existing committee members wanting to stand for re-election do not have to be nominated again but should inform the PTA of their intention to stay in their role.


If you want further information about being a Committee Member, please speak to Melanie McKinnon.


As the FFH is a registered charity, all committee members automatically become Trustees of the Charity. Before submitting your nomination form, please read the Charity Commission publication ‘The Essential Trustee – What you need to know (CC3)’. A copy of the booklet can be found on the Charity Commission website.

If you want to nominate someone for a committee role, please complete the Nomination Form below by 17. September 2024.


We look forward to seeing you on 18th September.


Kind Regards,

Melanie McKinnon, Chair

Nomination for Officer/Member of the PTA Committee

For the position of
Ordinary Committee Member
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